Discipline with Dignity for Challenging Youth
Discipline With Dignity for Challenging Youth is based on five fundamental principles and seven goals that are the foundation of all effective discipline strategies. The five principles are: 1. Teachers have a responsibility to teach all students. 2. Difficult behavior should be viewed as opportunities to educate for change; leverage should be reserved for excessively disruptive or dangerous situations. 3. More motivation means less discipline. 4. Discipline is just another form of instruction. 5. Numerous strategies and lots of heart are necessary for success. Responsibility is another central element of the book, and five proven approaches are presented to help educators teach responsibility. Ten strategies for increasing student motivation are introduced, as well as 21 drug-free strategies for helping students with AD/HD improve their focus. Differences between crisis, short-term, and long-term discipline interventions are discussed. Specific strategies are described for addressing nine of the most common reasons for student misbehavior. Because each strategy is explained in context, readers learn not only what to do, but why a given action is necessary.