Rock and Roses
Rock and Roses is the result of the contributions of known climbers from all walks of life, from climbing guides to journalists and scientists. Rock and Roses is not a journalistic report or a climbing description. Each essay draws the reader into an active participation with its author, whether it be responding to the death of a friend or family member or the pressures of being a lone woman on an all male climb. Other essays deal with the history of women in climbing. Rock and Roses is pleasure to read and you will not put it down until the last word is read. Contributing authors: Rosie Andrews, Beth Bennett, Arlene Blum, Julie Brugger, Catherine Freer, Sue Giller, Linda Givier, Sibylle C. Hectell, Cherie Bremer-Kamp. Ruth Dyar Mendenhall, Dorcas S. Miller, Alison Osius, Laura WAterman, Annie Whitehouse, Elizabeth D. Woolsey.