POGIL: Instructor's Guide to Process Oriented Guided Inquiry Learning
Process-oriented guided-inquiry learning (POGIL, rhymes with mogul) is one manifestation of the latter. In a POGIL classroom students work in learning teams on specially designed activities that promote mastery of discipline content and the development of skills in the processes of learning, thinking, problem solving, communication, teamwork, management, and assessment. The POGIL classroom environment is appropriate for faculty who want to engage students in learning and help students develop the skills they need to be successful in courses, college, and careers. In this environment, students take on greater responsibility for their education; they learn to rely on thinking skills rather than memorization; they improve performance skills while learning subject content; and they develop positive relationships with other students and faculty. This instructor’s guide documents the need to include such performance skills in our courses and describes the educational tools and processes used in a POGIL classroom. These tools and processes include learning teams, guided-inquiry activities, critical and analytical thinking, problem solving, reporting, metacognition, and individual responsibility. Strategies for the successful use of learning teams are discussed, the roles of the instructor in this learningenvironment are described, and implementation hints are provided along with examples of questions for student self-assessment of performance and reflection on learning. Assessment and evaluation results pointing to the success of this approach also are included.