Smart Women, Strong Bones
This revised edition of the 35,000 copies sold first printing of Smart Women, Strong Bones provides the most updated information available about a disease that has become a silent killer for post-menopausal women. Best selling authors Ronda Gates, a pharmacist, and nurse-researcher, Dr. Beverly Whipple, continue their trend to write easy-to-read, resource filled and lifestyle strategy oriented books about women's health issues. Today Show correspondent, Florence Henderson wrote the foreword to this revised edition which includes results of research published in 2000 and updates resources, treatments and prevention strategies for women of all ages. You will learn what dieting, drugs, menopause and other risk factors predispose you to the disease, the treatment strategies to prevent and treat osteoporosis and what you can do, at any age, to decrease your risk for the osteoporosis-based fracture predicted for one out of every two women over age fifty. Smart Women, Strong Bones is a must read for women and the men who love them.