Nursing Approach to the Evaluation of Child Maltreatment
Nurses and nurse practitioners are critical members of child abuse treatment teams. Nursing Approach to the Evaluation of Child Maltreatment provides the information nurses need to identify and accurately interpret the signs of maltreatment and then report it in a specific manner. Presented in 17 chapters comprising 3 major sections"Overview," "Healthcare Evaluation," and "Related Issues"the areas of physical abuse, sexual abuse, and neglect are extensively addressed. Each chapter is structured to give a general overview of the topic area, followed by a detailed treatment plan relevant to the specific types of abuse. In addition, each chapter includes easy-to-use checklists, examination hints, and flow charts for ready access to important information. Edited by a nurse and a pediatrician, with chapter contributions by experts in the various fields of child maltreatment, this handy reference is a must-have for every nurse and nurse practitioner who may be confronted with possible child abuse. It clearly illustrates what is and what is not abuse and identifies the most common types of child abuse, as well as uncommon but possible causes. The steps to be taken when interviewing the child and the details to be ddressed in performing a physical examination in a suspected abusive situation are also provided. This book is especially valuable for nurse practitioners, school nurses, pediatric nurses, APNs, FNPs, social service and safety personnel, state and federal agencies, and allied health/emergency room technicians.