Manual Therapy NAGs, SNAGs, MWMs, etc.
The Mulligan Concept has become one of the most popular manual therapy techniques for musculoskeletal disorders. It utilizes NAGS (Natural Apophyseal Glides), SNAGS (Sustained Natural Apophyseal Glides) and MWMS (Mobilisations with Movement), for the spine and extremities used to treat a myriad of musculoskeletal conditions.\nThe revised 7th edition includes all elements of the Mulligan Concept, along with information about upper cervical traction, C_ rotation SNAGS for headaches, AP tibial MWM for knee flexion, comments on rescue maneuvers for headaches, SCJ MWM, CMC taping, first toe taping, upper rib mobilization into extension, and more.\nWritten by one of the world's foremost experts on manual therapy, Brian Mulligan. Photo-illustrated. Softcover. Seventh edition (revised). Published On: 2023-01-20