Introduction to Criminology
A basic guide - written with newcomers, lay people and those working within the criminal justice field particularly in mind. Acquaint yourself with some key strands of this literally enormous topic and how it interacts with real life situations by reading the chapters of this book as follows: 1. Introduction 2. Classicism 3. Positivism 4. Strain Theories 5. Control Theories 6. Gender, Subcultures, Labelling and Differential Association 7. Conflict and Radical Criminology 8. Victimology, Fear of Crime, Restorative Justice - and A Look at Some Statistics 9. Criminology: Aspects of Criminal Justice (Criminal Justice Models; Police, Policing and Law and Order; Public Disorder; Bail or Custody; Punishment and Sentencing; Prisons; Crime Prevention and Community Safety; White Collar Crime).