The Great Book of Hollowcast Figures
The culmination of 15 years of research by the author, this magnificent book features thousands of figures and fills a large gap in the history of lead hollow-cast toy figures. The text details the history of hollow-cast figures, a comprehensive A-Z of manufacturers with over 60 company histories, including such major firms as Britains, Timpo and Cherilea and little-known firms such as Abel and Laurie. There is also an extensive inventory of each manufacturer's products including a guide to rarity. Extensive coverage is also given to Britiish aluminium and compostition figures, catalogue reproductions, hollow-casts issued as advertising premiums and ancillary road and farm vehicles. From the well-known soldiers, coronation coaches and animals, to the lesser-known space figures or gnomes, every aspect of life is reflected in these marvellously detailed hollow-cast figures.