Haka: A Living Tradition 2nd Ed
A fascinating look at the Maori tribal dance—the haka. Part war chant, part national anthem, the haka is a growing part of New Zealand’s national identity.
Most visitors identify New Zealand with the haka, but few know the meaning or history of this powerful challenge. The haka has always been and important part of the Maori culture and tradition. Today it has a growing influence on the lives of all New Zealanders. This little book is an excellent beginner's guide to haka, covering the various types of haka and their use including the famous Ka Mate haka and the new Kapa O Pango. Both black and white and full colour photographs showcase the haka in history as well as modern renditions by kapa haka groups. Both a source of pride and a source of controversy, the haka is an integral part of New Zealand's culture.