Decorative Designs in Hardanger (Milner Craft Series)
Originally used during the late 17th century as a substitute for costly lace, hardanger continues to rise in popularity among needleworkers. Explore the possibilities of this unique form of needle art. Begin by choosing the right threads, needles, fabrics, hoops, beads, and other supplies. After mastering the stitches and techniques used, including needleweaving, buttonhole stitching, making eyelets, satin stitch, colonial knots, rosettes, and lacy edging, you're ready to choose from dozens of projects. Make a black currant pincushion, an exquisite shawl, a beautiful and useful embroiderer's box, a keepsake wedding cushion, a cheerful daisy greeting card, festive Christmas decorations, or a pretty flowered vest. Whether you've done needlework for years or are relatively new to the craft, you're sure to find hardanger to be an exciting addition to your stitching repertoire. Sally Milner 80 pages, 16 color illus., 30 b/w illus., 7 1/2 x 10.