The Russian Impressionists and Postimpressionists (Schools & Movements)
Mikhail Guerman traces the converging lines between Russian and French art in this immensely fertile period. 1863 was the year in which Manet's ""Dejeuner sur l'herbe"" caused a scandal at the Salon d'Automne, and in which the Itinerants group was formed in Russia, to take art to the people and paint the outdoors. 1874 saw the Independent's exhibition at Nadar's art gallery in Paris, and was the year in which Payel Tretiakov built his art gallery.
In 1907 Fauves and Nabis were exhibited in Russia for the first time, whilst Kuznetsov, Larionov and Goncharova radicalised painting and graphics. In the period from 1910 to 1914 there is a second transferral of ideas from French Cubism and Italian Futurism to the Blue Rose movement, which, in its turn, influences the forward movements in the West.