Irish Migrants in Britain, 1815-1914: A Documentary History
The past twenty years have witnessed tremendous developments in regard to the academic study of the experience of Irish migrants in nineteenth-century Britain. As witnessed not only by the burgeoning historiography of the subject but also by the growth of specialist courses on the Irish in Britain in universities and colleges.
This documentary history, the first of its kind, seeks to support and inform the scholarly study of the experiences of Irish men and women in Britain between 1815 and 1914 by reference to a wide range of contemporary sources. It examines the Irish experience in Britain thematically, by reference to migration, settlement, employment, social conditions (poverty, public health, housing and crime), religious identities, and contemporary perceptions.
Each chapter comprises a commentary, which provides a contextual framework for the analysis of the sources that follow; a selection of primary sources; and a series of end-notes, which point to further reading. The book also includes a bibliographical essay on primary sources and a comprehensive bibliography.