A Clever Rabbit Has Three Hiding Places: Strategies for Life from Chinese Folk Wisdom
Borrow a strange coat in order to make a new beginning.
Written as an "Art of War" for daily life, this book features 108 stratagems from ancient Chinese lore that will arm you with cunning, wisdom, and insight. These maxims come from a variety of sources including Confucianism, Taoism, and traditional folk wisdom.
The book is organized in two sections. The first divides the stratagems into three categories – Strengthen Yourself, Weaken Your Opponent, and Develop Yourself. The second part looks at a wide array of everyday problems and is arranged A-Z style into numerous subject areas such as Anger, Business, Friends, Money, Old Age, and Wishes. Each area has three stratagems attached, so when you are confronted with a difficulty you can find immediate guidance. Each stratagem is described in vivid language that makes them easy to remember and call upon in times of need:
• Always let a good horse run by itself.
• When you have reached the shore, remember to sink the boat.
• Steal the fuel from under the kettle.
• Show the plums in order to forget the thirst.
Printed in two colors and beautifully adorned with 36 brush paintings, this book will be a trusted ally in all matters of business, love, and life.
• 108 strategies drawn from ancient Chinese wisdom for business, love, and daily life.
• Illustrated with traditional brush paintings.
• Flapped paperback cover includes a cut-out decorative bookmark.