ABC Air Band Radio Guide
First published in 1992, the "ABC Air Band Radio Guide" is an indispensable guide to the complexities of air traffic control communications. For many thousands of aviation enthusiasts part of the fascination of their hobby is the ability to listen in to the radio transmissions made by the air traffic controllers and the aircraft under their control. This highly popular guide has now been thoroughly updated, and it examines in detail, but in a straightforward manner, air traffic control in the UK, the technology involved, the equipment available with an analysis of various features and what to look for when seeking to acquire such equipment, airfields, radio frequencies, the nature of the transmissions that can be heard, antennas and high frequency radio. In addition, the book also includes comprehensive appendices that provide an airfield directory (which lists all the up-to-date frequencies for each of the airfields covered), the ICAO four-letter airfield codes for British and major overseas airports, the ATC reporting points and radio navigation aids, airline call signs, weather broadcasts and worldwide high frequency coverage.