Azores: A Countryside Guide (Sunflower Landscapes)
The Azores, nine islands in the Atlantic halfway between the Old World and the New, rise above sea level from a depth of several thousand metres. They are all volcanic in origin and all are covered in this guide.
Key features:
30 main walks, with many variations
21 picnic suggestions, ideal as very short walks
1:50,000 topo maps
5 car tours 3 on São Miguel and 1 each on Faial and Terceira
2 fold-out touring maps showing walk locations ideal for planning
plans of Ponta Delgada (São Miguel), Horta (Faial) and Angra do Heroísmo (Terceira)
public transport information
online update service
The Azores are not the remains of the legendary continent of Atlantis, which is said to have sunk in the ocean once upon a time. Nonetheless, there is an aura of mystery about this lush green archipelago. It is a paradise for lovers of natural landscapes.
There are awe-inspiring mountains (like Pico, the highest in Portugal), peaceful valleys with exotic plants, enchanting lakes of stunning beauty amidst extinct volcanic craters, charming hill country with fields and meadows, spectacular hydrangea hedges criss-crossing the landscape, and magnificent coasts lined by picturesque villages and historical towns.
The best months for walking in the Azores are May to October.
This guide is part of the Landscapes Series, with 50 destinations dubbed the blue Bibles by the Sunday Times and chosen by readers of Which? as one of the four top travel guide series (from a field of 18).