110% Solution
There are very few people who know more about success than Mark McCormack. Author of the phenomenal best-seller WHAT THEY DON'T TEACH YOU AT HARVARD BUSINESS SCHOOL, founder of the billion-dollar company international Management Group (IMG), which has more than one thousand employees and operates out of nineteen countries, and hailed by Sports Illustrated as the "most powerful man in sports," McCormack personifies the American ideal of maximizing your time, talent and ideas. Now in his best and most inspiring book yet, Mark McCormack reveals all the secrets of his success: how to use good old American know-how to achieve peak concentration and peak self-esteem, and the exhilaration of experiencing 110 percent effort. The theory behind THE 110% SOLUTION is fairly simple: Human beings feel their best when they are doing their best. And to do one's best, it is no longer good enough to strive for 50 percent or 75 percent. There are no painless shortcuts, not in the perilous nineties. To achieve success-both professionally and personally-we must all strive to reach 110 per-cent of our ability. To show you how to reach the 110 percent solution, Mark McCormack starts right at the beginning, explaining how to find your true talent. As he says, "Before you can become a great salesperson, you have to make your first sale. Before the first sale, you have to decide if you like selling." Once you decide the course to pursue - and McCormack gives specific tips on how to find that course - you've got to know how to best use your time to maximize your effort. In this area, McCormack's advice is a help not only to the highest-level businessperson, but to the housewife who's home all day and to the taxi driver who's looking to increase his number of fares. He teaches how to digest information (and how to reject it), how to make the most of your stamina, how to increase your efficiency, even how to confront the things you hate to do - and get them done.