Rob Krier: Architecture and Urban Design (Architectural Monographs No 30)
The buildings and projects of Rob Krier are informed by his views on the nature of urban space, which are derived from the traditional city and the notion of a "res publica" or civic realm. Whether house, tenement block or public structure, his work refers to his desire to create space and communal focal points that are invested with functions indispensable to the idea of neighbourhood and community. Beginning with his earliest projects in the late 60s, this comprehensive portfolio throws light upon a creative and indefatigable traditionalist, going from his larger creations in Berlin and the masterplan for the city of Amiens, to the more recent proposals for the Hague and San Sebastian in Spain. This volume also includes a body of sculptural work, cast by Krier in connection with his buildings. His boldly coloured and rendered drawings have earned him a reputation as an artist that is as respectable as his fame as architect and urbanist.