A Walk in the Clouds: 50 Years Among the Mountains
This book is a collection of 75 autobiographical and wonderfully inspiring short stories from the renowned and prolific outdoors writer Kev Reynolds, recording his treasured recollections of 50 years of mountain travel and adventures. Covering his sojourns among the mountains of the Moroccan Atlas, Pyrenees, European Alps, Himalaya and elsewhere besides, Kev's light-hearted tales leave you amused; his accounts of man's impact on the natural world see you reflective; his anecdotes of high mountain traverses fire your imagination. The stories in this book run the gamut of emotions for anyone who shares Kev's unbridled love of mountainous landscapes. With chapter titles including 'Travels in an Ancient Land', 'Living in the Clouds' and 'To the Ends of the Earth', you cannot fail to be thoroughly engaged and emotionally charged by these tales. If they cause even a spark of desire in you to follow in Kev's footsteps, he will consider his job done.