Selected Rock Climbs in Belgium and Luxembourg
In Belgium and Luxembourg are cliffs with all the attributes of their southern counterparts: perfect rock, plentiful fixed protection and sublime settings (though some are rather urban) and they have a few extra advantages: the northerly position and southern aspect of much of the rock means that climbing is possible from early spring well through into late autumn without it ever getting too hot; there are routes of all grades; the cliffs are only two to five hours from the channel ports; the Belgian people are exceptionally friendly and most speak at least some English. This volume attempts to describe the routes in a very British fashion. There is a descriptive account of all the routes, a star rating for quality, technical grades for individual pitches, and an 'E' grade for routes up to 6c+. also included is the Belgian grade for comparison. All the cliffs described in Belgium are of high quality limestone, whereas those in Luxembourg are of an excellent hard sandstone.