The Douglas: The Origins of the Clan Douglas and Their Place in History (Scottish Clan Mini-Book)
If you belong to the Clan Douglas then this clan book is ideal for you - makes a great gift idea. This clan book features the origins of Clan Douglas and delves into their place in history. If you belong to the Clan Douglas then this clan book is ideal for you - makes a great gift idea. This clan book features the origins of Clan Douglas and delves into their place in history. Belong to Clan Douglas Trace back your family's history with tales which tell of the stirring history of this clan... The Douglases were one of Scotland's most powerful families from the days when they fought alongside William Wallace. They played a vital part in the wars of independence and at one point were as powerful as the Scottish monarchy. Makes a great gift not only for anyone belonging to Clan Douglas but also anyone interested in reading about the past ...