Space and Eternal Life: A dialoge between Chandra Wickramasinghe and Daisaku Ikeda
This fascinating and thought-provoking book probes some of the deepest aspects of our very existence, while tackling some of the most controversial social issues of modern times: from euthanasia, abortion, AIDS, education, family, and the environment, to the possibility of alien encounters. Presented as a dialogue, the viewpoints of an eminent astronomer and a Buddhist scholar are expounded, side by side. As the dialogue unfolds, interesting comparisons between the two sets of basic tenets can be easily identified, while traditional beliefs about 'unsophisticated' Buddhist philosophy are proven wrong. Wickramasinghe and Ikeda's discussions focus around several key areas: the universe; science and religion; eternity of life; Buddhist pacifism and the creation of a global civilisation. Space and Eternal Life is an illuminating philosophical study.