Joining the Angels' Song: Eucharistic Prayers for Sundays and Holy Days, Years A, B & C
For everyone who loves liturgy and its ability to empower the people of God, here is an invaluable collection of material that will bring a new joy and energy to Eucharistic worship.\nSamuel Wells and Abigail Kocher present 150 new Eucharistic prefaces, one for each Sunday and major holy day of years A, B & C, together with a range for special occasions. Aiming to reflect the many dimensions of Christian life, each one is rich in Biblical allusion and seasonal resonance that reflect the scripture readings of the day and the time of year.\nRather than using abstract theological concepts, these new prayers are full of vivid, concrete imagery that will help make Eucharistic worship a focused, fresh and engaged time of new discoveries and greater engagement with God.