365 Great Days from Helen Exley: Simpler Days (HE3-47276)
We are all looking for a simpler, peaceful way of life. This deeply wise collection of quotations is about being at peace with yourself, less busy, being in touch with nature and learning that less is more. With a matching slipcase and easel stand, the 365 Great Days are bound to be treasured by everyone who receives them. Helen Exley Giftbooks is a family company, started by Richard and Helen Exley, and subsequently expanded by their sons, Lincoln and Dalton, who both work in the company. Every giftbook is designed to be special - a joy to give and to receive - with a thoughtful message of I love you or thanks for everything or simply I saw thisand thought of you. The books sell four million copies a year in over thirty languages and in over eighty countries across the world.