The Distracted Couple: The Impact of ADHD on Adult Relationships
Although diagnosis and treatment of ADHD have historically focused on children, more recently, clinicians and researchers have explored the impact of ADHD on adults. Even so, few have focused on the effects of adult ADHD on relationships and marriages. The Distracted Couple clearly identifies the issues and concerns of adult ADHD that impact marriages and relationships, and provides a number of interventions, strategies, and treatments to effectively address these challenges. Section I covers an overview of evolving diagnoses, how ADHD impacts marital dysfunction; the impact of Executive Functioning Weaknesses, along with a personal interview with a one-on-one interview with a known expert in the field focusing on the impact of ADHD in couples. Section II focuses on diverse and less recognized populations such as African-American couples, Women with ADHD, and Same-Sex couples. Section III, Working with Couples with ADHD emphasizes treatment protocols and solutions to problems in couples. In total, this volume addresses many of the issues that couples face with either one or both partners experiencing ADHD and the many ways that clinicians can help them in dealing with these issues.