The Wax Fruit Trilogy
"The Wax Fruit Trilogy" brings together Guy McCrone's three classic novels, "Antimacassar City", "The Philistines", and "The Puritans", which chronicle the life and times of the Moorhouse family as they rise from the obscurity of an Ayrshire farm to the position of great prosperity in Victorian Glasgow. The first part of the trilogy introduces the Moorhouse family - Arthur, the successful business man and first of the family to move to Glasgow; David, the dashing and impulsive socialite; Bel, driven by ruthless social ambition; and, Pheobe, the half-sister from the Highlands who grows up to be a great beauty. The second and third volumes follow the changing fortunes of the family, as their lives are touched by triumph and tragedy - in Glasgow at the height of the Victorian era, and in Vienna, glittering capital of the Hapsburg Empire.