Encyclopedia of Hair Removal: A Complete Reference to Methods, Techniques and Career Opportunities
The Encyclopedia of Hair Removal will offer a one-stop-shop learning resource to guide those studying hair removal at Levels 2-4. Additionally it will support those already working as hair removal specialists or teaching in this area. It will detail all the methods employed in salons to remove unwanted hair, from waxing to laser, with reference to the underpinning knowledge and other necessities of the new Habia standards for Levels 2-4. It will equip readers on an ?everything you need to know? basis ? from client care and consultation as it should be done; how to make the perfect insertion; the most up to date science and technology possible and lastly, by offering its unique reference style section. A key attraction of this book will be its step-by-step photographs, its simple yet thorough coverage of A&P (supported by full colour easy-to-follow diagrams) and its commitment to providing a colourful and attractive resource for visual learners.