The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Fantasy
Fantasy is the most prominent of all the major fictional genres. It dominates the world of popular fiction, has spawned major industries in role-playing and trading-card games and has resulted in some of Hollywood's best-loved movies, from "The Wizard of Oz" to "The Lord of the Rings" and "Harry Potter and Narnia" have introduced yet another generation to the genre. This book is the most detailed, well-researched and attractive of its kind, detailing everything the layman needs to know about fantasy and everything the well-read fan is calling out for. It is edited by leading fantasy expert David Pringle and fully updated for 2006 to include the hit books, movies and games of the past three years. It is a beautifully detailed, informative, up-to-date and useful guide to everything in the world of fantasy, from "Tolkien" to "Constantine".