Doctor Who - Re:Collections - The Best of Big Finish Short Trips (Short Trips, Volume #29)
This bumper collection, subtitled "The Best of Short Trips", contains 28 stories, one from each of the previous 28 volumes.\nContents:\n* 'I Was A Monster!!!' by Joseph Lidster
* Apocrypha Bipedium by Ian Potter
* Face-Painter by Tara Samms
* The Glass Princess by Justin Richards
* Ruins of Heaven by Marc Platt
* The Thief of Sherwood by Jonathan Morris
* The Age of Ambition by Andy Campbell
* The Dead Man's Story by Andy Frankham-Allen
* Flashpoint by Matt Grady
* Thinking Warrior by Huw Wilkins
* All Our Christmasses by Steve Lyons
* Suitors, Inc by Paul Magrs
* How You Get There by Simon Guerrier
* Venus by Stuart Manning
* The Lampblack Wars by Matthew Sweet
* Life After Queth by Matt Kimpton
* Checkpoint by Stel Pavlou
* The Avant Guardian by Eddie Robson
* Museum Peace by James Swallow
* Midnight in the Café of the Black Madonna by Sean Williams
* The Glarn Strategy by Brian Dooley
* Dear Great Uncle Peter by Neil Corry
* Losing the Audience by Mat Coward
* The Spindle of Necessity by Allyn Gibson
* Lonely by Richard Wright
* Lares Domestici by Anna Bratton
* Lost and Founded by Andrew Pidoux
* The Fall of the Druids by David N Smith\nChosen by: David Bailey, John Binns, Nicholas Briggs, XannaEve Chown, Paul Cornell, Neil Corry, Keith R A DeCandido, Ian Farrington, Simon Guerrier, Joseph Lidster, Jacqueline Rayner, Gary Russell, Richard Salter, Steven Savile, Cavan Scott and Mark Wright.