Patrick Moore on Mars
Moore, a former president of the British Astronomical Association, has written numerous popular books on planetary science and astronomy (Atlas of the Universe, LJ 2/15/99). He has been a presenter of the BBC television program The Sky at Night for over 40 years. In addition, he has been observing and mapping Mars for over half a century. This work replaces his Guide to Mars, first published in 1955 and last updated over 20 years ago. Only the historical material has been retained from the earlier edition. The results of the Mariner, Viking, Pathfinder, Global Surveyor, and other recent missions to the Red Planet are a significant portion of this work. Included are 90 illustrations, 40 in color. This volume will be a very useful source of information about the next focus of manned exploration in space. Anyone with an interest in Mars can learn much from Moore's readable presentation. Recommended for all astronomy collections.ADale Ebersole Jr., Univ. of Toledo, Carlson Lib., OH
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