Greenway: National Trust Guidebook
Nestled in a sub-tropical garden overlooking the River Dart, Greenway has an exceptional and enviable location. It certainly caught the eye of Agatha Christie, who knew the area as a child and, having made her name as a world-famous crime-writer, made it her holiday home. Greenway was the family’s retreat, far from public life. Her grandson, Mathew Prichard who has provided the guidebook’s foreword, remembers visits to Greenway usually took place ‘…when she had just finished writing her book, so it was family time’; or in Agatha’s words, ‘We do exactly as we like in this house.’ This included entertaining, playing the piano and reading, and delighting in the setting, playing croquet and clock golf. Max and Agatha were enthusiastic collectors and the fruits of their labours are proudly displayed throughout the house. Greenway now stands as a near complete echo of those leisurely days and a testament to why Agatha Christie described it as the ‘loveliest place in the world – it quite takes my breath away.’