Magical Spells for the Home
This magical book of spells, based on ancient traditions and folklore, reveals how to use charms and rituals to create a nurturing living space, bring about harmony with relatives and friends, achieve success at work and even attract a new partner. Starting with spells to protect your home and welcome good energies, Ann-Marie Gallagher takes you through each room of your home with spells to help you in every aspect of life. Try- - The Dream-Catcher Spell to create a space for happy dreaming - The Dream Pillow Spell to promote restful sleep - The Mustard Spell to promote passion in your partner - The Red Candle Spell to attract a new lover - The Corn-Goddess Spell for fertility - The Feather Spell to lighten the atmosphere with laughter - The Salad Spell for mending quarrels in your home - The Twig Spell for success in examinations, tests and interviews - The Power-Shower Spell to cleanse the mind - The Red Handkerchief Spell for good health Filled with easy-to-follow, effective spells, this book offers a unique way to use magic to enhance your everyday life.