Darwin and Fundamentalism
Darwin’s "Origin of Species" is undoubtedly one of the most important books in the scientific pantheon. But can we take Darwin’s theory of evolution as a confirmed scientific fact? Contrary to myth, the famed Scopes ‘Monkey Trials’ of 1925 failed to establish the truth of science and the falsehood of creationism. Biblical literalism has now returned with renewed vigour in the guise of ‘creation science’. Fundamentalists are demanding that fact-based education should teach both evolution and creationism.
Should we dismiss creation science as an irrelevant myth? Has evolution itself been turned into a new ‘fundamentalist’ theology, and is it now a useful ploy to police orthodoxy in science? Is religious bigotry matched by scientific bigotry, bad religion by bad science? "Darwin and Fundamentalism" argues that there are important issues lurking behind the simplistic headlines. What is reasonable to believe and what are prudent uses of the scientific method are complex matters vital to how we investigate and assess ideas of evolution.