The Essential Cigar: A Book for Connoisseurs
No longer the private domain of grumpy old men and fatcat wheeler-dealers, cigars have taken on a new role as one of the coolest accessories around. Cigar enthusiasts are emerging on both sides of the Atlantic, with celebrities -- both male and female -- cheerfully posing with them and cigar smoking featured extensively in glossy magazine and the style pages of newspapers.The Essential Cigar Book celebrates the rebirth of this age-old symbol of power and taste with a comprehensive look at its history, production, makers and cigar etiquette. The craftsmanship and production of the cigar is investigated at length, as are the producers -- from the highly-respected classics of Havana to the newer ones emerging today. The packaging and ephemera of cigars are explored; the famous brands are detailed and the cigar in popular culture through the years is illustrated, including famous smokers from Hollywood and other walks of life.In times gone by, young ladies were taught the proper way to select and present a cigar to a gentleman. These days there are no social rules as to who can enjoy this unique pleasure and there follows guidelines for choosing and buying the right cigar, storing them and the correct way to smoke a cigar. With The Essential Cigar Book anyone can sit back with the best of 'em to enjoy this stylish yet simple luxury.