Minor Greek Tragedians, Volume 2: Fourth-Century and Hellenistic Poets: Fragments from the Tragedies with Selected Testimonia (Aris & Phillips Classical Texts)
This is the second volume of a collection which includes all the significant remains of tragedies produced by the contemporaries and successors of the three classic Greek tragedians (Aeschylus, Sophocles and Euripides). Greek texts and sources are accompanied by English translations, relatedhistorical information, detailed explanatory notes and bibliographies. Volume Two includes more than a dozen poets of the fourth and early third centuries (Astydamas, Carcinus, Chaeremon, Theodectas, Moschion and others), the Alexandrian Pleiad, Ezechiels Exagg (a tragedy based on the biblicalExodus), and some anonymous material derived from ancient sources or rediscovered papyrus texts.Remnants of the satyr-plays of this period are included in a separate Aris and Phillips Classical Texts volume, Euripides Cyclops and Major Fragments of Greek Satyric Drama, edited by Patrick OSullivan and Christopher Collard (2013).