Native American Herbal Apothecary: 2 BOOKS IN 1 Herbalism Encyclopedia & Herbal Dispensatory
If so, keep reading, so you don't miss the opportunity to learn how to treat yourself naturally and become a skilled herbalist by building your first herbal laboratory at home!You're about to learn all the secrets that Native Americans have retained and passed down for generations about how to heal themselves by utilizing what nature offers while living in harmony with their surroundings.Although they can't wholly replace medical treatment, herbs offer healing solutions for many common problems such as allergies, fatigue, stress, hypertension, headaches, and many other ailments that are also age-related. Rather than looking for various medications to get rid of an annoying nuisance, all you need is the right blend of herbs !Tamaya Kawisenhawe took inspiration from her Chumash roots and her experience as an herbalist and naturopath to put together this ALL-ENCOMPASSING BEGINNER’S GUIDE , through which you will discover ancient Native American herbal remedies without getting caught up in misinformation and exaggerated claims !What you willThe Native American Herbal Apothecary offers all these benefits in one book, so you can get back to living a full life of health without having to sacrifice your well-being , and energy and empty your pockets anymore!