The Tinderbox Plot
A Russian team of ex-KGB agents, led by experienced spymaster Andrei Grushkov, smuggle a nuclear device into the US with the intention of mass destruction. The multilayered Russian plot involves satellite teams across the US weaponizing the Internet for digital espionage to undermine American societal divisions, culminating in civil war and the ultimate destruction of capitalist ideology.
In the race against Grushkov is his ex-lover, American Dr Lynda Chester, major NSA operative. Using satellite imaging technology that she herself created, Lynda becomes instrumental in unearthing the plot and discovering the location of the bomb. However, in addition to well-orchestrated Russian espionage, she has to negotiate a cumbersome American bureaucracy undermined by egos and hidden agendas
The Tinderbox Plot is a sweeping spy thriller that keeps the reader guessing until the final pages, and a remarkable look at a divided America exploited by foreign and domestic terrorists. Turf wars, a cumbersome bureaucracy, and latent insurrectionist objectives of a variety of American hate groups combine with a well-planned cyber and nuclear attack by Russian operatives to move America towards civil war.