Go 4 It!: Start Getting What You Want in Your Finances, Career, Health & Relationships (because YES you really can have it all!)
Expressly written for people who have decided they've been settling in life ... and they don't have another minute to waste. Do you ever feel like you're pulling yourself up by your bootstraps AGAIN?Do you wonder if you're ever going to break through to that magical side of life where health, wealth and relationships aren't just a holiday commercial but real and foundational elements in your life?Have you thought about taking the risk on that thing you really want to do ... and sensibly talked yourself out of it, even while it meant that you're stuck in the same old life you've been living all this time?Robert Pascuzzi gets what you're going through because he was once there himself. It was only a few years ago, in fact, when he decided to take a significant leap. He was absolutely determined to make the changes in order to live a more fulfilling, passionate life. It not only worked, but it worked in a very fast and big way. Now, in this power-packed, intriguing read, Robert Pascuzzi lays down the absolute action-oriented fundamental principles that leapfrog beyond the usual motivation and goal-setting instructionals. In fact, Go For It! is expressly written for people who have decided they don't have another minute to waste."Robert Pascuzzi's no nonsense, get your hands dirty approach is a breath of fresh air for anyone looking for an actionable plan to take their game to the next level." - Tony Robbins, International Life Coach and NY Times Best-Selling Author"Robert will change the perception of your whole life. You'll see how good life can be." - Bob Proctor, International Wealth Mentor & Star of The Secret"Are you ready to ditch the excuses and create the real change your desire in your life? If your answer is 'YES!', this book is for you!" - Scott Duffy, TV/Online Personality, Best-Selling Author