Management Accounting: A Business Planning Approach
Management Accounting: A Business Planning Approach has three primary objectives: to introduce students to strategy and its impact on process and performance; to help students understand basic business processes and their inherent risks; and to emphasize the importance of management accounting in business decision making.
In addition to highly readable and easy-to-understand technical material, the instructional content is contextualized in the unfolding story of a business. In each chapter, students see how contemporary tools and techniques are applied in real-world business situations. Specific topics include applying a Balanced Scorecard approach, planning profitable operations, using forecasting tools and techniques, analyzing budgets and costs, and preparing and presenting business plans. All chapters include mini-cases, step-by-step, semester-long business planning applications, and images and illustrations that link the content to leading business practices.
The new edition features updated company examples and exhibits, revised discussion questions, a full glossary, and new, timely homework assignments.
Built around authentic business problems and information needs, Management Accounting prepares students to compete in today's dynamic business environment. It is ideal for both undergraduate and graduate management accounting courses.