F'n Prompts: Writing Prompts with Some F'n Balls
Not all writers live in a safe space. Some of us live in the real world where real things happen. For those looking for inoffensive, cuddly writing prompts, none are found here. The internet is full of lovely writing prompts about unicorns and talking alien dogs and princes taking the princess's hand and yadda yadda puke. F'n Prompts is something different. These are writing prompts for people who live and write in the real world and revel in all the ugliness it has to offer. If you're looking for a prompt to inspire a story to share with your grandma over tea and cucumber sandwiches, look elsewhere. If you'd prefer to write about subjects like murder, armed robbery, intravenous drug use, police interrogations, 90s booty jams, and other such subjects, then F'n Prompts is surely for you. So limber up your typin' fingers, cupcake, and let's write some f'n prose!Paperback edition is beautifully formatted in precisely placed text boxes while the e-book version is a straight bullet list of prompts. Choose wisely, but the paperback looks much better.Unlike other books, this book does not contain empty space or lined pages for you to write in. I get the feeling that other books do this to pad the page count as the amount of space given is nowhere near enough to write anything with any meat. This book contains over 1300 prompts from the last 3+ years of my life as a Twitter prompter, and I refuse to waste your shelf space with needless filler. You're welcome.Well, enjoy my book. Or buy it and don't enjoy it. Either is fine.