Deep Past Resolution: Empower your future by resolving your pre-earth past
You lived before you were born. This is not a book about reincarnation: it is a book about the idea that you were who you are long before you took your first breath on earth. It is a book about the idea that before you were born, you participated in many events, and made many decisions--and that your decisions and your experiences back then continue to impact your life today. Deep Past Resolution is an exploration of the concept of pre-earth life, complete with exercises to help readers identify and resolve their own "deep past" events that may still be impacting them today.Understanding pre-earth life is crucial to understanding life in the here and now. When the role of agency in pre-earth life is properly understood, the entire earth experience comes into context. This book was not written to convey any "absolute truths," but rather a set of perspectives that can help anyone of any belief system find greater perspective on their life experiences.