The Politics of Representation: Elections and Parliamentarism in Portugal and Spain, 1875-1926 (The Portuguese-Speaking World)

The Politics of Representation: Elections and Parliamentarism in Portugal and Spain, 1875-1926 (The Portuguese-Speaking World) image




Released: Apr 01, 2019
Format: Paperback, 272 pages
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Product Description \n“This volume provides important and compelling analysis of two cornerstones of the liberal constitutional regimes of Spain and Portugal: voting and parliaments. […] Collectively, the essays go beyond simplistic explanations for the “crisis of liberalism” that led to the rise of Franco and Salazar by exploring the function and practice of parliaments, giving texture to these critical years that are too often skimmed over. We now have a comprehensive collection of figures, data, and qualitative evidence to understand the political instability of this period. In other words, we now have a clearer picture of what the crisis of liberalism looked like for Spain and Portugal” —Bulletin for Spanish and Portuguese Historical Studies, 43 (1), 2018\n“This excellent volume, by leading authorities in the field, is a welcome addition to the steadily growing interest in the history of elections and parliaments in the Iberian world.” —Professor Eduardo Posada-Carbo, Oxford U.\n“The book opens a window onto political life that transforms our understanding of the emergence of modern politics in the southern edge of Europe.” —Professor Daniel Ziblatt, Harvard U.\n“An excellent, professional account of elections and parliaments in Spain and Portugal before democracy.” —Professor Jose Varela Ortega, Chairman of Jose Ortega y Gasset-Gregorio Maranon Foundation\nAbout the Author \nPedro Tavares de Almeida is Professor of Politics, NOVA University of Lisbon. Javier Moreno Luzón is Professor of Modern History, Complutense University of Madrid.

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