The Homilies of Saint John Chrysostom: On the Gospel of Saint Matthew
THE Homilies of St. Chrysostom on St. Matthew were undoubtedly delivered at Antioch, (see Hom. vii. p. 105.) and probably in the latter part of the time during which he preached as a Presbyter. Montfaucon considers his little mention of the sin of swearing a sign of his having accomplished some reformation on that point by his previous exertions. In the Homilies delivered from 386 to 388, it is a constant topic; and the Homilies known to belong to that date are so numerous, as scarcely to leave room for such a series as the present. These, however, contain very little to mark the period to which they belong. The argument from his reference to dissensions some time gone by, possibly those between St. Meletius and Paulinus and Evagrius, in commenting on St. Matt. 23:6. is not very conclusive.