Quantitative Approaches to High Net Worth Investment
High net worth investors portfolios have unique demands in order to maintain and preserve their significant worth. These individuals require personalised services in investment management and estate and tax planning, among others. This gives HNW investors both distinct risk profiles and investment portfolios. HNW individuals invest in significant real estate beyond a primary residence, financial assets and products with high minimum investments, such as alternatives, collections of art and jewellery, and luxury collectibles, such as cars and boats. In addition, HNW investors are now more able to invest in hedge funds as a result of UCITS and MiFID and consequently need to be able to appreciate the risks involved. Family offices and wealth managers are therefore increasingly using quantitative methods to meet the demands of both the portfolios and investors. Edited by industry and academic experts Andrew Rudd and Steve Satchell, Quantitative Approaches to High Net Worth Investment brings together a wide variety of studies on the investment behaviour of HNW investors, with a focus on analytical and quantitative techniques. Rudd and Satchell have assembled a roster of expert contributors, who span a spectrum of academic and practical approaches and includes authors at leading wealth management organisations. The book gives practical insights into elements key and specific to high net worth investment including the following: Discretionary wealth management Tax alpha The effect of anxiety on portfolio performance Alternatives and luxury goods, including art Real estate Sustainable spending plans Divorce risk This reference book is a must-read for family offices and wealth managers looking to expand their client base through the use of more sophisticated, quantitative techniques.
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