Nature Cures: The A to Z of Ailments and Natural Foods
Nat H Hawes has spent 12 years researching and compiling this fascinating compendium of foods and their health-giving-properties. Her sources range from a lifetime of experience travelling abroad to research via libraries and university websites and include a vast range of scientific papers which she has analysed and summarised in everyday language. She reviews both the health problems that can be helped by nutritional interventions and the healing properties of the full spectrum of natural (as opposed to processed) foods and drinks. The book complements and is supported by Nats internationally popular website www dot, which has reached over two million hits and receives over 3000 visitors per day searching for natural remedies for many health issues. The book consists 1130 pages of the following contents
- A to Z of the human body,ailments and natural remedies
- A to Z of Hazards to Human Health and natural alternatives
- Nature Cures and Safeguards
- A to Z of Foods and their benefits
- A to Z of Organic Nutrients, what they can help to treat and prevent and the best food sources
- A to Z of Minerals, what they can treat and prevent and the best food sources
Hammersmith Press is an independent publishing house producing books for the general public and health professionals that promote better health and well-being through a greater understanding of the human body and mind, with a particular emphasis on the importance of nutrition and diet.
Some of the areas we publish in include:
-Neuro-linguistic Programming (NLP)
-Overcoming Chronic Fatigue Syndrome
-Natural Health & Weight Loss
-Holistic Medicine
-Thyroid Health
-Medical stories
-Healthy eating
-Traditional medicines