The Ultimate Encyclopedia of Aquarium Fish & Fish Care: A Definitive Guide To Identifying And Keeping Freshwater And Marine Fishes
The rich variety of tropical freshwater and marine fishes
makes keeping an aquarium an absorbing pastime. This
book explains how to set up your aquarium, select the
type of fishes you want, and maintain the appropriate
tank environment. There is information about equipment,
feeding, water chemistry and quality, adding new fishes
and keeping them healthy. The book also discusses the
merits, habitats, feeding and breeding requirements of
hundreds of fishes in each of the eight major fish groups.
Whether you are a novice or a dedicated fishkeeper, this
practical book contains all the information and advice
you need to ensure you get the most out of your hobby.
• The comprehensive practical guide to setting up
all types of aquaria
• Clear step-by-step photographs and easy-to-follow
instructions for planning, building, stocking and
maintaining your aquarium
• Essential information on major families and groups
of fishes, fully illustrated with over 700 photographs
and specially commissioned artwork