The Happiness Code: Ten keys to being the best you can be
Unlock the secret to lifelong happiness and contentment! Have you ever wondered why happiness comes so easily to some people? Do you want to know how you can make sure it comes easily to you? Domonique Bertolucci believes that happiness begins with a choice, and enduring happiness is not a result of the things you’ve done, but the person you’ve chosen to be. You can unlock the secret to living your best life with these ten simple keys:- Take Charge- Let It Go- Live For Now- Expect the Best- Back Yourself- Get Out of the Way- Be Grateful- Give All You Can- Keep It Up- Be Brave. Being happy is not a privilege—it is something everyone deserves. The Happiness Code will teach you to take charge of your life and be happy with who you are. Using real-life examples to illustrate each key, Bertolucci’s lessons are crystal clear and instantly inspiring. When you apply these principles to your life, you can feel confident that you are being the best you can be. Start living your best life today!