Clear Your House: How To Cleanse Your Home And Make It A Positive And Peaceful Environment
Our home should be a place of refuge that offers a safe sanctuary for our families, allowing us space to relax and unwind.
If the energy of that personal space flows freely, then home is a place that is comfortable, secure, and nurtures our spirit. Yet many of us choose our homes without realising that the space may have negative energy, either because of the site on which it is built, or because of the people that have lived there before us, or because of negative events that have unfolded in the home.
Clear Your House shows you how to release stuck energy from your home. Stuck energy manifests itself in different ways and affects us, and our health, in many ways. Through a sequence of stages the author shows how to cleanse your home of physical clutter and grime, before moving on to cleanse the space at a spiritual level.
Included is information about incorporating feng shui principles into your home and harnessing the power of crystals to benefit the space and the people in the property.
In the same series: Clear Your Office.
(Jade Sky)