The Better Covenant Commentary: Acts to Revelation
Dr. Welton's long-awaited BCT commentary covers from the Book of Acts to the Book of Revelation. While bringing Better Covenant Theology into focus throughout the NT, there are ten foundational presuppositions that the commentary is build on.
1. A quality understanding is the goal of the commentary
2. The context of surrounding verses will be considered
3. The historical context will be considered
4. The entire New Testament was written pre-70AD and the destruction of Jerusalem was looming in the background
5. A covenantal understanding will be applied throughout (5 Covenants, 3 types of covenant, BCT)
6. The New Covenant replaced the Old Covenant
7. The covenant transition from old to new is the backdrop to the New Testament (From the cross until the destruction of Jerusalem, 30-70AD)
8. The kingdom is here now and increasing
9. The supernatural ministry of the Holy Spirit and the church continues
10. We are covenantal marriage partners with Jesus, our choices matter, we are not in abusive relationship where He controls us and all things
11. We will examine difficult and interesting passages in the light of the previous ten presuppositions