Kings Arise: The Kingmaker Anointing
Presently, the Lord Jesus Christ is restoring the true identity of the church back to her. Falsified information has led the church into a mistaken identity, rendering her paralyzed, powerless, and impoverished. The method of falsified information goes as far back as the Garden of Eden when the devil told Eve, "If you eat this fruit, you will be like God." Adam and Eve were already like God, created in His likeness and image. These deceptive words from the enemy led Eve into an identity crisis. As a result, this identity theft led to the fall of all mankind. It's so important that you know who you are, what you have, where you came from, and why you are here if you're going to fulfill your purpose on the planet. Adam's wife Eve accepted her mistaken identity, and they lost everything. But the last Adam, Jesus' bride, the church, will recover her true identity and get everything back that was lost. In this present hour, Jesus is raising up a glorious church as His bride to recover her identity and all that was lost in the Garden.
They will be known as a righteous, royal priesthood of kings and priests who change society, reform culture, transform cities, and invade every sphere of their world with the Kingdom of Heaven! As priests, they are worshipers and as kings they are warriors. These worshiping warriors live by Heaven's mandate to have dominion. Their dominion flows out of their identity in Christ.
Now is the time for the King's to Arise!