Advocacy Organizing: Smarter Strategies, Bigger Victories
Advocacy Organizing examines the political and cultural contexts that surround grassroots campaigns in today's turbulence. Integrating local and national perspectives helps activists identify strategic opportunities for growing their organizations, broadening their support, leveraging their influence, changing institutional practices, and contributing to larger movement building. Each chapter brings thought-provoking perspectives to key issues about progressive social change. Advocacy Organizing will stimulate useful discussions among those doing and supporting local organizing as well as those wanting deeper understanding about social dynamics. Some topics include:UNITING LOCAL AND NATIONAL: Leveraging Reality In Today's TurbulenceADVOCACY AND MOVEMENTS: Creative Anarchy and Effective OrganizationCREATING STICKY ORGANIZATIONSTHREE PHASES OF ADVOCACY: Protest, Pushing, PartnershipADVOCACY AND INSTITUTIONAL CHANGE: Political Will, Agency Capacity, PermanenceTHEORIES OF CHANGE: What Makes The Winds BlowSTRATEGIC VISIONS AND VALUES: Community, Equality, Freedom, Democracy CULTURE AND STABILITY: Majoritarian Inertia and Social TectonicsWHY THE PUBLIC SECTOR CAN'T BE RUN LIKE A BUSINESSPUBLIC-PRIVATE PARTNERSHIPS: Creating Public Value?